Woman’s groups with Natalie designed to deepen the life you want with the people that matter most.

I don’t think anyone ever told me how hard it was to live, and how much it hurt to love,  and how much risk it was to feel.

I saw this billboard the other day that simply said, “We do this, not because it is easy, but because we thought it would be easy….”

That is how I am experiencing life. And I know I am not alone.

The dilemma comes up, though, when we think that we are just that, alone. We can convince ourselves that no one else feels this way, has problems or challenges quite like this, or experiencing life the same. Those messages only isolate and leave us lonely, tired, and maybe even with a touch of self-soothing pity- or is that just me?

I, for one, spent most of my early adulthood managing my feelings and medicating life’s wounds with a hefty addiction to control and an obsession with productivity. We have our vices, and mine eventually found me. When those coping mechanisms no longer served me, I had to show up to my life in a new way and “do the work,” as my husband, and I like to say.

Through a lot of struggle and learning a whole new language, I am practicing what it means to be present with my whole self. Heart, Body, Mind, and Soul. For me, this comes from using my heart to recognize what I am feeling, really feeling. And how to reach for what I believe is most important. Deeper connection with myself and others.

The Fighting for Heart Groups I am starting will be just that. A small circle of women in a safe, trusted environment, attempting to practice being present with themselves more holistically. We like to call it integration, and I like to call it life-changing.

Join me once a week, for just over an hour, as you join in on an intentionally led experience around feelings, wants, needs, personhood, and relationships. Practice with me the language of the heart. And see what happens. It may be messy at times, even a little scary, but the best things in life are worth fighting for, so why not start with the heart?


  • 60 minute weekly group + resources & growth assignments

  • Starting January 2024 (Time set according to group)

  • Virtual group of 6-7 woman (ease of schedule and location)

  • Supported by the Heart-Engaged EQ System

  • $195 / Monthly investment

Fighting for Heart Groups offer a trusted community and a practical roadmap for recovering your heart. You will learn how to give voice to what is happening inside of you, integrating your head (IQ) with your heart (EQ) to invite deeper connection with yourself and others.

Everyone needs a place to learn how to find the words to express how they feel, say them out loud, and know that they were heard.

Enquire or Apply.

The intentional life begins by saying yes to the things that matter most.

Podcast & Book

Listen to Rob & Natalie hosting SEASON THREE on the Talk of Change podcast or read Rob’s latest book, Fighting for Heart: How emotional intelligence can transform the way you live, love, and lead

Meet the Team

Rob & Natalie Murray have committed to learning and practicing this work for themselves in ways that can invite others to do the same.

  • Men’s Groups

    CEO of Transformed Leader and developer of the Heart-Engaged EQ System, Rob fosters a deep passion for developing transformative resources and group processes that help men become more personally and professionally connected to themselves and others. www.drrobmurray.com

  • Women’s Groups

    Natalie is a deep soul who invites presence, intention, and connection in women's lives seeking to live, love, and lead with more heart. Having fought with chronic illness for over six years, she has the unique ability to help others process the complexities of pain and its impact on everyday living.

The Research About EQ Groups

Among those who have decided Fight for Heart, we found three key motivations from our research:

  1. They recognized emotional disconnection and wanted more for themselves and their core relationships. This usually gets flushed to the surface by some kind of painful situation.

  2. They wanted a safe place to connect, emote, belong, and be supported in this kind of growth. Nothing is more central to the human condition than the need to belong.

  3. They were invited by a trusted friend, counselor, or group facilitator and said yes. Opportunities mean nothing until we decide to accept them.

And now, for the resistances or excuses that kept people from investing in their emotional growth:

  1. Self-protection against social shame, pressure, or judgments for being “emotional.”

  2. Holding a belief that leaders should not be distracted by emotions.

  3. Avoiding emotions feels easier, safer, and more manageable.

  4. Lack of emotional modeling growing up.

  5. Ignorance of any other way than performing and producing.

  6. Not justifying the time and money to prioritize emotional development.